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⚜️ 은행증서 Leasing for 기업 경쟁력 제고 ⚜️

by 7STAR 2023. 8. 16.


Upgrade your plan to the next level

What can a bank instrument be used for:

Bank instruments can be used to enhance your ability to apply for a line of credit with your bank. It can be used as collateral when your bank requires something more than what you have when you ask them to fund your project. Through our provider we can get you a bank instrument. These instruments are 100% cash-backed and can be used as collateral.

Our provider only offers instruments that are from the top 25 World Banks - from North America and Europe like HSBC, Deutsche, UBS etc. This makes the instruments more likely to be acceptable to banks anywhere in the world.These instruments are purchased by the provider and leased to you.  The instrument is therefore owned by the provider and leased in your company name in assignment. The instruments are usually issued for 1 year and 1 day, renewed year by year at the same rate.


Once the provider has purchased the instrument to lease to you, it is sent to your bank via the Swift protocol of MT760.


To successfully apply for an SBLC you need to be aware of four vital points:


All the instruments that are leased through our provider are callable, assignable, fully transferable and lien-able.


It is not possible to use an instrument to secure a commodity trade and pay for the instrument out of the profits from the transaction. When paid for and used correctly, these instruments provide numerous lucrative options. we can provide BG's, MTN's, BOND's, SBLC's and CD's, which can be blocked or delivered via SWIFT.


Typical projects we have had successful applications for are:


    * Construction and Development
    * Resorts -Building or Upgrading
    * Growing a Company
    * Trade Programs
    * credit enhancement purpose
    * business enhancement purposes (petroleum, energy, agriculture, steel and other products). 

은행증서를leasing하는 것은 기업이 신용도를 높이고 국가 경쟁입찰에 참여하기 위한 전략 중 하나일 수 있습니다. 하지만 이러한 선택은 장점과 단점을 모두 고려해야 합니다.


  1. 신용도 개선: 은행증서를 leasing함으로써 기업의 신용도가 향상될 수 있습니다. 은행증서는 은행의 신용력을 보증하는 것이므로, 해당 은행이 신용도가 높을수록 기업의 신용도도 상승할 수 있습니다.
  2. 경쟁입찰 참여 용이성: 국가 경쟁입찰에 참여하려면 보증서를 제출하는 것이 요구될 수 있습니다. 은행증서를 leaasing하여 이러한 요구를 충족시킬 수 있으며, 이로 인해 기업은 경쟁입찰에 적극적으로 참가할 수 있습니다.
  3. 자금 효율성: 은행증서를 leasing하는 경우에는 직접 보증서를 발급하는 것보다 자금을 더 효율적으로 운용할 수 있습니다. 자금을 보다 효율적으로 활용할 수 있으므로 기업의 자금 관리에 도움이 될 수 있습니다.


  1. 비용 부담: 은행증서를 leasing하는 것은 수수료와 이자 등의 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이러한 비용은 기업의 부담이 될 수 있으며, 전체적으로 높은 비용을 초래할 수 있습니다.
  2. 은행과의 의존도: 은행증서를 leasing함으로써 은행과의 의존도가 높아질 수 있습니다. 은행의 정책 변경이나 금융위기 등의 상황에서 이러한 의존도가 기업에 불리하게 작용할 수 있습니다.
  3. 유효기간 제한: 은행증서는 보통 유효기간이 정해져 있으며, 이를 초과하면 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 따라서 기업은 은행증서의 유효기간을 주의깊게 관리해야 합니다.


이러한 장점과 단점을 고려하여 은행증서를 leasing하는 것이 기업에 적합한 전략인지를 평가해야 합니다. 기업의 재무 상태, 신용도, 자금 필요량, 경쟁입찰 등 다양한 요소를 고려하여 결정해야 합니다. 또한, 법률 및 재무 전문가와 상담하여 신중한 결정을 내리는 것이 중요합니다.


** Leasing Procedure를 통해 발행되는 은행보증서는 보증유형으로 볼때 크게 두가지로 구분 할 수 있다.

1. 은행 독립적 보증: 개설의뢰인이 파산하더라도 은행에서 해당보증서의 기간 만료일 혹은 만기일에 수익자에게 대금을 지불하여야 한다.

   -> 은행 독립적 컨디션으로 발행된 경우라면, 은행대출, PPP등록이 가능하다.

2. 일반보증: 개설의뢰인이 파산한 경우 은행에서는 대금지불을 거절 할 수 있다. 통상 Leasing의 경우 95%는 이 컨디션으로 발행 함.

   -> 일반보증의 컨디션으로 발행된 경우는 통상 기업의 신용도 상승, 상장을 준비하는 상장사의 분식회계, 국제거래의 입찰에 대한 입찰보증 등으로 활용된다. 은행대출, PPP등록은 불가능한 것은 아니지만 매우 어렵다고 봐야한다.

** 발행 조건에 따라 leasing 수수료가 정해진다. 일반적으로 담보제공자의 수수료가 5% 미만일 경우 일반보증의 경우라고 이해 하면된다.


>> leasing 관련하여 수많은 금융서비스 업체와 개인프로커들이 존재한다. 단, 신중히 고려해야 할 사항은 Leasing과 관련한 은행증서를 다루는 은행은 몇곳에 불가하다. 전세계 많은 투자자들중 투자자본을 Leasing과 연결하여 운용중인 투자자들도 많지 않다. 해당업무 진행시 서비스업체 선정이 지극히 중요하다.


Leasing에 사용되는 Bank Instruments 유형과, 발행을 위해 제공되는 담보의 유형은 아래의 카테고리 안에 있다고 보면 됩니다.

Professional and unique financial & commodity exchange services in the global market through  Financial Instruments;

[BGs; SBLCs; S2S/SS MTNs; LTN Bonds / Boxes; Weblink, DTC, SEPA, EBICS; MT103/202, Bank Drafts, All Screens + POS On/Offline + Blocked Funds; CREDIT LINEs; PROJECT FINANCING & CURRENCIES], PPP, Monetisation & Securitisation, metals, minerals, fuel and energy products with credibility.
As a company also, possess the global strength to access humanitarian aid funding & accounts, and facilitate over a diversified and dynamic portfolio of a range of professional business transactions, by providing contracts for the supply and purchases of essential fuels, commodities, raw materials, to end customers.


  1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG) or Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) or Deferred / Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC) or Letter of Credit (LC)
  2. Total Face Value: Euro/USD/GBP 1,000,000.00 – Euro/USD/GBP 5,000,000,000.00
  3. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank London, Barclays Bank London, Standard Chartered Bank London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt,
  4. Age: One Year and One Day (With the option of Rolls and Extension)
  5. Leasing Fee: Based on the Face Value of BG/SBLC/DLC/LC Plus (0.5% + X%) Commission.
    1M – 100M: 2.5% + (0.5% + X%) = 3.0% + X%
    101M – 500M: 2.0% + (0.5% + X%) = 2.5% + X%
    501M – 1B: 1.5% + (0.5% + X%) = 2.0% + X%
    1B – 5B: 1.0% + (0.5% + X%) = 1.5% + X%
  6. Delivery: Bank to Bank Swift MT799 and/or MT760
  7. Payment: MT103
  8. Hard Copy: By Bank Bonded Courier within 7 banking days after delivery of Swift.


  1. The Bearer provides the a duly filled and signed copy of the Contract Agreement to the Lender which is further countersigned by the Lender. This thereby automatically becomes a full commercial recourse contract to be lodged by both parties for initiation of the transaction of Swift Transmission.
  2. Within three (3) banking days after both parties sign the Agreement, the Lender will issue alongside the Countersigned Agreement a Notary signed and sealed Corporate Refund Recourse Undertaking duly endorsed by the Bank Officer of the BG/SBLC issuing account to the Bearer guarantying to refund to the Bearer all cost incurred by Bearer as the transmission/administrative charges for the transmission of Pre-Advice via Swift MT799 or BG/SBLC/DLC/LC via Swift MT700 or MT760 or both after due execution of the contract and in case of failure on the Lender’s side the Notarized signed and sealed Corporate Refund Recourse Undertaking guarantees that the Lender refunds completely the transmission/administrative fees in addition to a the penalty for failure of performance being 1% of the total face value of BG/SBLC/DLC/LC.
  3. The Lender further provides to the Bearer a copy of the BG/SBLCDLC/LC Application submitted to the issuing bank and approved by the Issuing Bank Officer confirming the Swift is being prepared to be transmitted.
  4. Within three (3) banking days after the Bearer receives the Countersigned Contract Agreement, Irrevocable Corporate Refund Undertaking, Invoice for Payment of the Bank Fees as well as the BG/SBLC Approved Application from the Lender, the Bearer will make payment by direct wire transfer into the Lender’s provided bank cordinates to receive the bank fees, the of the Bank Transmission, Administrative and Handling charges for the Pre-Advice via Swift MT799 or BG/SBLC/DLC/LC via Swift MT700 or MT760 or both as the case maybe in the amount of XX, 000.00 USD/EUR.
  5. Within two (2) banking days after confirmation of receipt of payment of the Bank Transmission, Administrative and Handling Charges for the BG/SBLC/DLC/LC via Swift MT700 or MT760 or Pre-Advice via Swift MT799 or both in Lender’s bank account, the Lender will deliver the Pre-Advice or BG/SBLC/DLC/LC via Bank to Bank confirmation of Swift MT799 or MT760 to the Bearer’s banker including the hard copy of the BG/SBLC/DLC/LC via bank bonded courier in Seven (7) banking days.
  6. Bearer sends payment of Leasing Fees via Swift 103 Payment to the Lender deducting the initially paid Bank Transmission, Administrative and Handling Charges and the brokers their Commission Fees (0.5 +X)% of total Face Value by wire transfer within thirty (30) days upon delivery, confirmation and verification of BG/SBLC/DLC/LC by MT760 in the Bearer’s provided account and BG/SBLC/DLC/LC hard copy in the Bearer’s provided bank.
  7. If the Bearer does not deduct the Bank Transmission, Administrative and Handling Charges from leasing fees paid, the Lender would refund bank charges to Bearer by direct wire transfer within three (3) banking days upon payment of the leasing fees.
  8. Any unauthorized calls by any party or its representative lawyers to probes or communication in an improper way to bank(s) in this transaction shall be prohibited and contract terminated.

Should the Bearer default to pay the leasing fees to the Lender and the brokers commission fees as agreed after 30 banking days of confirmation of BG/SBLC/DLC/LC MT760 in Bearer's bank account, Lender will instruct the issuing bank to put a claim on the BG/SBLC/DLC/LC thereby forcing the Bearer's bankers to return the BG/SBLC/DLC/LC MT760 to the issuing Bank.



We currently issue PRE ADVICE VIA MT799 FOLLOWED BY SWIFT MT760 BLOCK FUND AND SWIFT MT103; these swift facilities are ONE WAY transaction from HSBC London or Barclays Bank London. Contact to us if you or your client have the capability, bank influence, bank negotiation power/setup and the required funds to execute this transaction.

The BENEFICARY and their receiving bank officer will be required to issue an ICBPO to cover the full assignment cost. THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER ACT NOW!!!


NOTE: The principle client must provide a verifiable Payment Declaration or ICBPO via MT799 before the provider's send out any swift.  
    SWIFT MT760 (1WAY)
    SWIFT MT103 (1WAY)

    SWIFT MT110



  3. Total Face Value: €XX, 000,000.00 (XXX MILLION EUROS)
  4. First Tranche: €XX, 000,000.00 (XXX MILLION EUROS)
  5. Transmission Cost: €000,000.00 EUROS – BANK ICBPO via MT799
  6. Age: One (1) Year and One (1) Day
  7. Assignment Price: 12%(Twelve Percent) of Face Value plus 1% consultants fees 
  8. Payment: By SWIFT MT103


The Beneficiary can issue an ICBPO via MT799 to cover the swift transmission cost of €000,000 Euros to the provider nominated bank to enable the provider deliver the swift MT799 pre advise within 72hrs upon receipt of the ICBPO. Upon receipt of the Pre advise MT799, the payment of €000,000 Euros is remitted/wired via MT103 bank transfer.


  1. PROVIDER and BENEFICIARY execute, sign and initial a Deed of Agreement which thereby automatically becomes a full commercial recourse contract after BENEFICIARY application have been accepted.
  2. After signing the agreement and simultaneously with the return of the agreement to the BENEFICIARY. The BENEFICIARY bank officer will issue an ICBPO via MT799 to cover the swift TRANSMISSION/PORTFOLIO RESERVATION COST of €000,000 directly to the provider nominated bank for confirmation. (BENEFICARY shall make a courtesy copy of the ICBPO available to the PROVIDER by email).
  3. Upon receipt and confirmation of the Beneficiary’s ICBPO via MT799, within 72 hours the issuing bank will issue the MT799 pre advise (ONE WAY) to the BENEFICIARY Receiving Bank. (PROVIDER shall make a courtesy copy of the MT799 PRE ADVICE available to the BENEFICARY by email).
  4. Upon receipt of the provider Pre Advice MT799 (ONE WAY) on the receiving bank screen, the BENEFICIARY shall immedaitely release/transfer the swift TRANSMISSION/PORTFOLIO RESERVATION COST of €000,000 to the provider nominated bank account upon receipt of the payment invoice. (BENEFICARY shall make a courtesy copy of the MT103 wire transfer slip available to the PROVIDER by email).
  5. Simultaneously (same day), the BENEFICIARY bank officer shall issue an ICBPO via MT799 to cover the 12% assignment fee of the first transche directly to the provider nominated bank for confirmation. (BENEFICARY shall make a courtesy copy of the ICBPO available to the PROVIDER by email).
  6. Upon receipt and confirmation of the Beneficiary’s ICBPO via MT799, within 72 hours the issuing bank will issue and deliver the swift MT103/MT760 BLOCK FUND (ONE WAY) to the BENEFICIARY bank. (PROVIDER shall make a courtesy copy of the swift MT103/MT760 BLOCK FUND transmission slip available to the BENEFICARY by email).
  7. Within (72) banking hours of the BENEFICIARY’s bank receipt of swift MT103/MT760 BLOCK FUND (ONE WAY) on their bank screen, the BENEFICIARY’s bank shall release the full assignment fee payment by Swift MT103 bank wire transfer to the PROVIDER nominated bank account and confirm satisfaction to PROVIDER bank making the conclusion of the delivery of the first tranche.
  8. Simultaneously, the BENEFICIARY bank shall effect commission payment to all the identified intermediaries according to the Fee Protection Agreement attached without delay or withholding, including all rolls and extensions.

Upon successful completion of Tranche No. 1, within seven (7) banking days or mutually agreed by both parties, beginning with Procedure , #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,#7 and #8 will be repeated. PROVIDER will issue and deliver the swift message in favour of BENEFICIARY, according to the Agreement, and BENEFICARY.

***************************************END OF DOCUMENT*************************************

#. 상기 Offer는 MT760 Block Fund의 One way Procedure를 이해 하시는 분들을 위한 제한적 내용입니다.



* 질문이나 요청에 신속히 대응코져 KAKAO 채팅방을 오픈 하였습니다.





Bank Guarantee, SBLC, Lease, Leasing, PPP, PPP Program, SBLC Leasing, High Yield Program, 외자유치, 국제금융, Cash Download , 선박금융, small cap