[아래의 샘플 서류는 담보(부동산, 기타 자산)를 이용하여, Bank Credit Line을 구축하는 방법에 대한 내용입니다.]
The asset is Nickel Wire corresponding to the following specifications:

The asset is a high technology product used to produce electronic gear, computers, mobile phones etc (see attached “technical file). The principal parameters making its value are the diameter (0.025 mm) and the purity of nickel (not less than 99.95 %).
The asset is deposited in the Security House of Ports Francs of Geneva (Switzerland), a state owned institution which issued the attached Certificate of Deposit.
We can instruct Port Franc de Geneva to issue a new Certificate of Deposit, in the name of a Bank / Lender, in counterpart of a Line of Credit in our favor, for example.
The quality and the Quantity of the asset are confirmed by the Certificate of GIREDMET (specialist of rare metals). For this lot number 146 the quantity is 20,000 grams or 4,540,000 meters.
To calculate the value of the asset, we proceed as follow :
Attached documents :
Production and analysis
Nickel wire DKRNT-0 ,025-CT-NS 1 according to GOST 2179-75 is a cold-formed, hard and has a diameter of 0,025 mm, a round cross section, ultimate tensile strength - Rm, Mpa (kgf/mm2) - of 420 - 830 MPa and a percentage elongation equal to or less than 8%.
The manufactured wire has a tolerance for the diameter of 0,002 mm, is wound on the metal bobbins. Each bobbin contains a wire section of 7g (1680 meters) up to 180g (43200 meters).
A multiple wire-drawing bench «HENRICH» from Germany is used for production.
Nickel of grade NP-1 is not a nickel alloy, i.e. a doped material, made of systems Ni-Al-X, Ni-X-Al.
The wire is made of nickel of grade NR 1, the chemical composition of which is similar to grades of Ni 99,6 DIN 17740 (Germany) and Nickel 205, Crade A (U.S).
The following devices are used for analyzing the nickel wire: a mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma ELAN-6100 ( «Perkin Elmer», USA); an atomic emission spectrometer OPTIMA-4300 DV ( Perkin Elmer», USA) with inductively coupled plasma, and a carbon and sulfur analyzer CS-244 ( «Leco», USA).
Nickel Wire on Bobbins is radiological safe. The specific radioactivity of Nickel Wire on Bobbins is not greater than 1.10 -11 Ci / g.
The scope of the wire use is the production of microelectronic devices, microelectronic components, microwelding and electrical engineering. The wire is used for producing high-accuracy medical instruments, radar and navigation devices, computers, mobile phones, in television and in other sectors of industry.
The nickel wire of DKRNT-0 ,025-CT-NS 1 grade according to GOST 2179-75 has a diameter of 0,025 mm does not fall into the goods included in checklists approved by the following presidential decrees of the Russian Federation:
May 5, 2004, number 580 «The list of goods and dual-use technologies that can be used to designing weapons and military equipment which are subject to export control»;
August 8, 2001 No 1005 «« The list of equipment and dual-use materials and related technologies used for nuclear purposes which are subject to export control»;
January 14, 2003 No 36 «The list of equipment, materials and technologies which can be used for producing missile weapons and are subject to export control»;
February 14, 1996 No 202 «The list of nuclear materials, equipment, special non-nuclear materials and related technologies subject to export control»;
On August 28, 2001 No 1082 «The list of chemicals, equipment and technology that can be used to produce chemical weapons and are subject to export control»;
During transportation and storage it is necessary to protect against mechanical damage, moisture and corrosive chemicals.
Pure Nickel is a silvery-white color, brilliant, very hard, but is well forgeable and well publishable metal. Like iron, nickel is attracted by magnets. The nickel, in terms of the properties thereof, is a close analogue of the iron and cobalt. Nickel is malleable and makes it possible to easily draw a thin wire, the resistance to rupture of which is not less than the resistance to rupture of iron (the load for breaking a wire of a cross section of 1 mm2 is equal to 42 kg).
Nickel is resistant to air and water, some acids, owing to a stable protective film formed on the surface thereof. The metal is easily soluble in nitric acid. The solution is colorable in green due to the formation of nickel nitrate Ni (NO3)2.
One of the 20 Certificates of Analysis issued by Giredmet.

Cotation by ALFA-AESAR:

Certificate of Deposit and Receipt issued by Port Franc in Geneva:

만약, 당신이 소유하고 있는 부동산 혹은 기타자산으로 상기의 서류형태로 갖춘다면 국제금융시장에서 담보제공자(Collateral Provider) 지위, 혹은 해당 서류를 이용하여 PPP 시장에 등록 가능하다.
* 질문이나 요청에 신속히 대응코져 KAKAO 채팅방을 오픈 하였습니다.
Bank Guarantee, SBLC, Lease, Leasing, PPP, PPP Program, SBLC Leasing, High Yield Program, 외자유치, 국제금융, Cash Download